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Dernières news à la date du 17/12/2005
News at the date of 17/12/2005

If you missed the documentary on tuesday 13/12/2005, you can catch it again on next thursday 22/12/2005 at 1.10am for One Life: Being Brian Harvey

Brian is now walking unaided and spending more time in Walthamstow where he plans to start working in his studio in the New Year. He's still hoping to launch his single 'I Can' in 2006, but in the meantime is looking forward to spending Christmas with Emma in Hastings.


Des que j'obtiens le documentaire, je vous tiens au courant car malheureusement il n'est pas diffusé chez nous. Brian remarche et passe pas mal de temps à Walthamstow ou il planifie de commencer à travailler dans son studio au Nouvel An. Il espère toujours sortir son single 'I Can' en 2006, mais entre temps il passera Noel Emma à Hastings.


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